Worker’s Rights

Very rarely do FLSA and Wage & Hour violations happen in isolation.  Your employment lawyer needs to recognize and be familiar with other areas of employment law in Tennessee.  They also need be familiar with local state courts and regulations as well as licensed to practice law in Federal Court.

It is rare that unpaid overtime claims happen alone.  Usually, your employment lawyer files the FLSA or unjust enrichment claim in conjunction with a wrongful termination, discrimination, or whistleblower action.  Tennessee is a very employer friendly state, so worker’s rights are almost entirely composed of federally protected constitutional rights.  So what rights do you have?  Workers have a right to work free from:

  • Discrimination based on race, color, gender, religion, national origin and age
  • Sexual harassment
  • Retaliation for Reporting
  • Violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Violations of the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
  • Violations of the FLSA
  • Breach of Contract
  • Slander and Defamation
  • Equal Pay

Many times, a person who is being discriminated against will also be penalized by lowering wages illegally, forcing non-tip work during shifts, overworking, being cut early, forced to take additional work home, and other things that frequently also violate the FLSA.  As an Employee’s Lawyer in Middle Tennessee (Nashville), Attorney Smith frequently litigates discrimination and retaliation cases because it is important that an employment lawyer be comfortable doing both even though very different statutes and cases are involved.  Even if you are not certain that you have an unpaid overtime claim, you should always contact an employment lawyer to discuss your hostile work environment because an employment attorney is going to have a much better understanding of employment law and will be able to tell you if you have a case for discrimination, retaliation, or a wage and hour violation.  Due to the statute of limitations, especially with slander and defamation, you should contact an attorney immediately.  Some claims have as little as six months for you to file the complaint and once the statute of limitations has gone you can’t get it back.


Call an Employment Lawyer today.  Employee’s Lawyer Morgan Smith represents workers in employment litigation.  Call for a free phone consultation at +1 (615) 620-5848 or check out or full website at

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