There are several quick tips you should follow if you are not being paid for all of your work. Obviously, you should immediately contact a wage and hour attorney even if you are not planning to file a lawsuit yet, and they will give you some best practices. If you can’t meet with an attorney […]
xposted from Autoworkers may be exempt from FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act) overtime pay requirements. The FLSA is the law that requires companies to pay you minimum wage and also to pay certain employees overtime. These cases are frequently brought by lawyers to enforce minimum wage and overtime laws as the statute gives the […]
Something to remember about minimum wage, this is what was said by the President (FDR) before it was signed: “Do not let any calamity-howling executive with an income of $1,000 a day, who has been turning his employees over to the Government relief rolls in order to preserve his company’s undistributed reserves, tell you – […]
When I was working in government, it was very common to receive additional vacation time or sick leave for salaried employees who had to work excessive hours on projects. Professionals such as lawyers are exempt from the overtime laws. However, sometimes employers bleed this method of pay onto non-exempt employees inappropriately. Giving hourly workers time […]
The food industry, especially restaurants with tight margins, are notorious for violating the FLSA and other wage and hour laws. You would think that since these companies only have to pay their wait staff $2.13 an hour that they wouldn’t care as much about someone hitting overtime but that is not the case. Waiters and […]
When people talk about overtime, what do they mean? In Tennessee, overtime is any work performed by a worker for an employer in excess of forty hours per week. Some states, like California, have provisions where it is on a day to day basis, but not Tennessee. So even if you work 20 hours a […]
Many FLSA claims revolve around “pre-shift work” which is what we call the time people spend working before they get to go on the clock and be paid. Pre-shift work can come in many forms. For example, people who work in the restaurant industry are frequently required to be at work 15 minutes early to […]